Complaints Procedure
CBSC aims to provide an educationally inclusive environment within which all students can achieve their full potential, both academically and socially. It is the school's belief that this can only be achieved by ensuring:
- equality of opportunity for all and the promotion of attitudes and relationships which promote understanding, respect and tolerance of others
- a pride in self and the school with opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own actions
- a safe, secure, calm and pleasant general environment within the school
- a well-ordered learning environment with high expectations of behaviour and work
- good attendance and punctuality
- a good working partnership with parents/carers
Carshalton Boys Sports College wants to listen to the views of parents and carers about their child’s education and wellbeing at school.
We will try to resolve any concerns or complaints as informally and quickly as possible.
Carshalton Boys Sports College takes all complaints seriously and will provide a thorough and appropriate response.
No Child will be penalised or intimidated as a result of a parent or carer making a complaint.
The school will ensure all complaints are logged.
The full governing body will not discuss individual complaints and any governor receiving a complaint will direct the parent or carer to the school’s complaints information and procedure.
The governing body will monitor and review the effectiveness of the policy and procedures annually by receiving a summary report of numbers and types of formal complaints together with outcomes. Individual details will not be included.
Specific complaints or appeals relating to Admissions, Exclusions, Special Educational Needs provision or Safeguarding will be addressed individually through the Admissions, Exclusions, Special Educational Needs provision or Safeguarding policies. The various policies can be found within the various Committee Policy groups listed to the left of this page. To peruse the policies held within a policy group, simply click on that group in the list.
Complaints Procedure
There are five stages available to parents or carers seeking to address concerns or complaints relating to their child’s education at Carshalton Boys Sports College.
Addressing a Concern
- In most cases the parent or carer should approach the member of staff concerned or Pastoral Support Worker to discuss the matter informally.
- If the parent or carer feels the matter is not resolved or feels unable to discuss it with the staff member, the parent or carer should then discuss it with their child’s Learning Coordinator.
Unresolved Concerns or Making a Complaint
- If the concern is still unresolved, the parent or carer may contact the Deputy Principal assigned to your child’s year group.
- A parent or carer may also contact the Vice-principal or principal at any time.
For further information, please click here and read through policy PS07 - Complaints Policy.